The Role of Pancasila to Growing The Young Generation Nationalism in Era of Global

The Role of Pancasila to Growing The Young Generation Nationalism in Era of Global

Today, The Indonesian nation facing a problem which many found a reflection of the waning spirit of nationalism and patriotism among the younger generation. This is because there are many foreign cultural influences entered in our country, as a result many young people are forgetting their own culture because they think that foreign culture is a culture that is more modern than its own national culture. So that, many the noble values ​​of the nation have ignored which almost happened in a few of the younger generation.

From the past, present and the future time a role of the young generation are needed as a pillar, a booster, then a guard of the course of national development is expected. Pancasila as the national ideology of Indonesia which also serves as pemfiltrasi influx of foreign culture in the era of globalization should be able to function correctly and properly. It can be a barrier so that the foreign culture can be pre-screened to avoid the negative effects that brought together the culture itself.

Therefore, the role and involvement of Pancasila within doing the conducting preventive measures in screening foreign culture is important, and is intended also as an effort to raise up the spirit of nationalism and patriotism young generation of Indonesia.

Limitation of the problem
In this discussion, we took the theme YOUNG GENERATION with topics that will be reviewed is about the role of Pancasila in overcoming the negative effects of foreign cultural nationalism and efforts to raise up the love to our country, Indonesia. So that, we took a title “The Role of Pancasila to Growing The Young Generation Nationalism in Era of Global”

Problem Statement
  1. What causes foreign culture can bring big impact for Indonesia?
  2. Is the impact of foreign cultures taken for Indonesia?
  3. How to solve the problems that occur in the nation's culture of Indonesia now?

This script aims to
  1. Analyze the problems reflected due to fading sense of nationalism and patriotism in the younger generation global era.
  2. Discover how important the Pancasila for growing sense of nationalism and patriotism the younger generation in era of global
  3. Analyze the role of government in fostering a sense of nationalism among the younger generation today.
  4. Provide an overview to the younger generation to have a sense of nationalism and patriotism is important in the life of the nation.


Literature review
Pancasila is the foundation of the state, the nation and the ideology and the philosophy of the nation's way of life, that it contains the basic values​​, instrumental values ​​and the practical values. Furthermore, Pancasila as the open ideology has at least two dimensions of values​​, the values ​​of ideal and actual. However, the values ​​of the condition is influenced by the values ​​that brought globalization, so that which impacting a scrape of civilization, which also brings a change of meaning and positioning Pancasila (Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Kongres Pancasila IV, UGM 2012). Foreign cultural influences will be avoided if our younger generation is able to filter the foreign culture by using the values ​​of Pancasila as the basic reference of our lives. Pancasila which has the motto “Bhineka Tunggal Ika”, with pluralism and multiculturalism to be united by a "togetherness sense" in the idiom of the nation-state as the spirit of nationalism that followed. Sri Edi Swasono Sri Edi Swasono argues, nationalism asserted that the national interest must take precedence, regardless of global responsibility. Pancasila have different meanings but remain one, a lot of variety but still achieve unity.
As well as being written by the Empu Tantular : “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Tan Hana Darma Mangrwa”. It Shows that Pancasila is a tool of unity of diversity that exist in the country of Indonesia, multicultural and pluralistic nation of Indonesia. Tan Hana Darma Mangrwa by Empu Tantular is no liability that ambiguous, meaning just for the sake of the nation and the state. This is a form of loyalty that is expected from the motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Tan Hana Darma Mangrwa”. Loyalty to the nation and state of Indonesia, a sense of nationalism and patriotism for the nation and state of Indonesia. Further Sri Edi Swasono say, “If the youth are not able to have archipelago insightful , do not know their home country, do not know Sabang Merauke and diversity in it, then this is an embryonic defect for Indonesian nationalism.
The concept of nationalism emerged around 1779 and began dominant in Europe in 1830. The French Revolution in the late 18th century most influential development of the idea of nationalism. Meanwhile, Indonesian nationalism is a nationalist movement that arose in the Indonesian nation to become an independent and sovereign nation.
Since the 19th century and the 20th, came the seeds of nationalism. Nationalism is often interpreted as a meaningful understanding chauvinism that degrades understand other nations and their own nation upholds excessive manner. The following definition of several prominent nationalism.
According to Ernest Renan, nationalism is the will to unite and stateless. While Otto Bauer saying that nationalism is a union of temperament or character arising as a feeling of kinship. Of those two opinions can be concluded, in the meaning of nationalism embodied a unity and patriotism, love of nation and state to embody national unity of a wide range of differences. While the views of his origin, the word globalization is taken from the global word whose meaning is universal. So far, globalization has'nt had a standard meaning, for the meaning of globalization depends on where one looks. However, in general, globalization is a term that has a relationship with improved linkages and inter-dependence among nations and people around the world through trade, investment, cultural and other forms of interaction other. Globalization can also means a phenomenon in which the boundaries between countries seemed to fade due to various developments in all aspects of life, particularly in the fields of science and technology.
Referring to UU No. 40/2009 about youngness, the young generation or young people is defined as "an Indonesian citizen who entered an important period of growth and development over the age of 16 (sixteen) to 30 (thirty) years". Sementara itu dalam konteks demografi dan antropologis, generasi muda dibagi ke dalam usia persiapan masuk dunia kerja, atau usia produktif antara 15-40 tahun. Currently, there are 40,234,823 people in the category of Indonesian young generation.
On subsection 7 and 8, youth ministry geared to foster patriotism, dynamism, cultural achievements, and the spirit of professionalism, and increase youth participation and active role in establishing itself, society, nation, and state. While on subsection 8, mentioned that youth ministry strategy is to defend the state; competition and appreciation of youth; improvement and expansion of obtaining suitable employment potential and expertise, and providing equal opportunities for expression, activity, and association in accordance with the laws and invitation.
A few of the theoretical basis of the above then here I will attempt to analyze the extent to which the role of Pancasila values ​​in growing nationalism among the younger generation in the era of global.

Since the collapse of the New Order period until now Pancasila was considered by the public eye. This is because the irregularities committed by the government and has violated the values ​​of Pancasila. Deviations biggest and most difficult to combat is the problem of CCN (Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism), problem that seems to have become ingrained disease in Indonesia. CCN done because of lack of the sense of Indonesian nationalism in the nation, and don't practice pancasila properly. As a nation should be able to determine where something is good and what is bad. must not violate the values ​​contained in Pancasila. Good nation also must be able to separate between personal and group interests, with the common interest. But, in daily life, attitudes prioritize common interests very difficult to apply because of personal problems, friendships, relationships, and the blood relationship is a close relationship may even beat sense of nationalism to the nation of Indonesia. Since the first Pancasila was created as the state is used as a way of life is supposed to be a guide for the people of Indonesia in the life of the state, nation and society. Similarly, for the younger generation, Pancasila began to lose its luster among young people expected to come back the glory if the younger generation began to realize and understand the function of Pancasila and implement in our daily lives. Spirit of nationalism and patriotism among the younger generation began to decline. It can be seen from the number of young people who think that modern western culture more than the culture itself. Especially among the younger generation of students, many followed the western culture of the culture itself. It can be seen from how to behave, dress, talk to a pattern of life that tend to imitate foreign culture than the culture itself. Lately started a lot of talk about the concept of nationalism younger generation. Done a lot of momentum, ranging from seminars, workshops to congress Pancasila which until now has been done 4 times (I –IV). All the momentum always involve young people as a subject developer Pancasila. So that, the values ​​can provide the role and contribution not only present but also the future become actors in national development. According to Rajasa (2007), young people develop the character of nationalism through three processes:
  1. Character Builders : The young people role to building a positive character through willpower, to uphold moral values ​​and internalize it in real life.
  2. Empowering Characters : as a role model for the young generation of the nation's character is a positive development, the initiative to build a high cohesiveness denhgan collective consciousness, for example, called for the resolution of conflicts.
  3. Engineers character : The young people participate and excel in science and culture, and engaged in the learning process in the development of positive character banmgsa in accordance with the times.
From Rajasa' concept can be analyzed that the younger generation as a pillar of the nation have a very important role. The future of the nation depends on the youth in attitude and action. Uphold the values ​​of good moral values ​​based on Pancasila and implement in our daily lives is very important. Sense of nationalism that have grown among the younger generation not narrow nationalism, but nationalism and a nation that upholds its own country but still appreciate other nations. Pancasila as a reference of the younger generation in spoken word act and behave in accordance with the norms of Pancasila. Often we hear that anarchic demonstrations conducted on behalf of student struggle on behalf of the people who end destruction of government facilities, burn some cars and the others. Also riots football game made ​​by fans of their respective teams who was not satisfied with his team's defeat. And student brawls still occurring in Indonesian society. Seen cases above, there are actually similarities of the issues that trigger all these events, the defense what is loved. Student rallies because they want to change the order wrong or disapproval will be a policy put forward by the government is considered to be in accordance with the people, justice, and others. Colleger want to defend the people as in love with his own people, while sports fans troubled by reason of injustice towards the referee, and so on, so that his team lost, this form of love on his side, defending his team are treated unfairly by referees. While the brawls students, residents, and the like are also triggered reason "defend" what they "love". If the love is expressed correctly then there will be no riots that actually makes unrest in society. Sense of nationalism, love of the homeland must also be properly disclosed, in accordance with the rules or norms prevailing in the society especially the norms of Pancasila. Nationalism, we must comply with the Pancasila as the basic view of life and the state as well as state ideology, so that we are not a form of nationalism yangt narrow nationalism but as a broad nationalism.
Love on his own nation but still appreciate other nations. We do not reject foreign cultures but also do not accept foreign culture blindly. All incoming culture in our country should biosa filtered by using the values ​​of Pancasila.

From the reviews that have been discussed in our material this time, it can be concluded that the proven Pancasila as the state ideology of Indonesia and has a very important role to maintain a reflection of national identity, which is also an identity for the nation's next youth generation.

Young generation of people must have faith, confidence, and pride to the ideology of the Indonesian nation. By keeping and practice the values ​​contained therein, will bring change for the better for the nation and the state. By implementing the Pancasila in everyday life then the identity of the Indonesian people will be stronger and will bring progress in the development of this country and the future of imaging in both the international arena.

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